Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Am I Crush With Someone?

Did you realize that this post tittle a lil bit personal? Hehehehhehe..Never mind... Since there are only few my close friend following my blog..And this blog is not famous as others...Let me tell y'all the truth...

In past few months, I always post a quite lovey and jiwang karat post at twitter and facebook..some of my friends realise the drastic changes of my post...Hahahahahhaha...sorry dear friends...At that moment...I still on keep reconfirming my feeling toward 'beliau' (thanx to Mimi for suggesting this nickname..hahahha)..

Well...I am crush on him...hahahhahahahahaha...Pengakuan berani mati... Only me..not him crush on me which is impossible and impossibru...ngeh3...

Some of my friends really support me..hahahhaha..bajet macam la mamat tu suke kat aq kan...

Bese first...memang...cannot get out his face out of my mind..his smile make me fall in love with him again...heard that song..remind me about him...hahahhahaha..thats normal thing.I hope also it will be normal to me..Since now still on exam week...stalk FB  'beliau' pun jadi la...In hope...there are some his post that will give me hope..Then, I wrote some hope..he will read it and realize that I like him...Tinggi sungguh impian kan...Well....He did commented some my post...Maybe he curios for my drastic change in FB post...

We might share some similarities on our belongings...Such as phone number...even though we are not in same operator (mine is Maxis while him ........), the first three number and last two number are same! Wah!!! Suke gile hati bile nampak and asyik dok compare his number and mine...Other that that, our laptop are same..Dell!!!! But of course..Mine is latest than him...hahahhahaha =P.

There is one moment. Tak malu nak join lunch dengan one of the visiting profesor. Bajet on that day nak pakai baju kurung..Hehehehhehe..maklumla sudah lame tak pakai baju kurung...Well I'm in red..same as him..Haahahahahhaha...Coincident.... Mungkin nampak as husband and wife...hahahhahahaha..flowering gila hati hari tu...hahahhahahaha....

Tetiba lak ade gecko kat sini kan..hahahhaaha
Well...everything told above is just for suke2 sahaja...Maybe saya ni agak macam mengharap 'beliau' lah lelaki ku....hahhahahahahaha...that is really impossible...The similarity is just coincident and only based on material..not in ourselves similarity, character or anything.... Crush in someone is sign you are normal person....

Bila difikirkan balik...This feelings will diminish as time goes kan...Just let time go with this feelings. Other friend told me...sometimes, it is better to just remain as friend..That might be the best way...dia takkan rase janggal ngan kita dan kita pun takkan janggal ngan dia..Another thing is...Let keep thing feelings in my heart...'beliau' tak tau pun tak pe.... =))))

Sadis tak ayat ni?hahahhhahaa

That's all for this morning... (dah kul 1 pagi da cik Anees...)..Sory la hari ni agak panjang...hehehehhe..

p/s: saya boleh mengarang sepanjang ini...tak sedar x abeh study lg utk 3 paper...uhuk2

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